Death of Socrates, one of history’s most renowned philosophers

Socrates, the foundational figure of Western philosophy, lived in Athens during the 5th century BC. Renowned for his Socratic method, he was tried for impiety and corrupting the youth. Found guilty, he stoically met his death by consuming poison hemlock, immortalizing himself as a martyr for truth and intellectual inquiry.


The death of Socrates is one of the most iconic and significant events in the history of Western philosophy. Image: Socrates Death, by French painter Jacques-Louis David (1787)

World History Edu dives into the history and major facts surrounding the death of Socrates.


Rather than focusing on the natural world, as many of his predecessors did, Socrates was more interested in how people should live, which gave rise to moral philosophy.

He often engaged in public debates and discussions in the Athenian Agora, questioning traditional beliefs and provoking both admiration and ire.

Descriptions of Socrates often note his unattractive appearance but magnetic personality, drawing many young Athenians to become his students or followers.

He questioned traditional Athenian values, norms, and beliefs, leading many in power to view him as a destabilizing influence.

In the end, Socrates was put on trial in 399 BC in Athens, charged with impiety (not recognizing the gods recognized by the state) and corrupting the youth with his teachings. After being found guilty by a jury of his peers, he was sentenced to death.

His last words

Socrates’ last words, as recorded by his student Plato in the dialogue “Phaedo,” were directed to his friend Crito. After drinking the poison hemlock and feeling its effects, Socrates said: “Crito, we owe a cock to Asclepius. Pay it and do not neglect it.”

These words have been the subject of much interpretation. Asclepius was the Greek god of healing and medicine, and it was customary to offer a sacrifice to him upon recovery from illness.

Some interpretations suggest that Socrates was referring to his impending death as a kind of healing or release from the mortal condition, and thus he was “paying his debt” to the god of healing for this release from life.

Another view is that it highlights Socrates’ commitment to piety and fulfilling religious obligations, even in his final moments. Whatever the exact meaning, these last words encapsulate the enigmatic and thought-provoking nature of Socrates’ life and teachings.

Socrates Death

His friends arranged an opportunity for him to escape from prison and flee Athens, but he chose to stay. He died surrounded by his friends after drinking the poison. Quote: Socrates’ last words to his friend, Crito

Plato’s Account

We know about the trial and death of Socrates mainly through the accounts of his student, Plato, especially in the dialogues “Euthyphro,” “Apology,” “Crito,” and “Phaedo.” In these works, Plato provides a defense speech (Apology) that Socrates gave during his trial and describes the events leading up to his death.

The Hemlock

Socrates was executed by being made to drink a potion containing poison hemlock. He met his end with remarkable composure, using his last moments to engage in philosophical discourse with his friends. His calm acceptance of death further solidified his legacy as a figure of immense moral integrity.

Socrates and his beliefs

Socrates and old age

Importance and Impact

The manner of Socrates’ death profoundly affected his students, particularly Plato. It led to an enduring condemnation of the Athenian democratic system that sentenced him and deeply influenced Plato’s philosophical inquiries into justice and the ideal state. The death of Socrates remains a powerful symbol of the tension between the pursuit of truth, societal norms, and governance.

The event underscores the potential risks of unyielding commitment to one’s beliefs and the pursuit of philosophical truths, especially when they challenge societal conventions.

Other interesting facts the life and death of Socrates



  • Socrates lived in Athens during the 5th century BC, a period marked by the height of the city’s cultural and political power, as well as its eventual decline following the Peloponnesian War.
  • He served as a hoplite in several campaigns during the Peloponnesian War, and was noted for his bravery and resilience.
  • This ancient Greek philosopher is credited with developing the Socratic Method, a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue to stimulate critical thinking and illuminate ideas.
  • Although Socrates is one of the most influential figures in Western philosophy, he didn’t leave behind any writings. Our knowledge of him comes from his students, primarily Plato, and contemporaries like Xenophon.

We primarily know about Socrates’ trial and death through the accounts of his student, Plato, especially in the dialogues “Apology,” “Crito,” and “Phaedo.”

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